by Martin
This picture was created from various images, some of which are more related to the family than others. From left to right-

The tree is symbolic only and represents the family tree.
The lady wearing the necklace is Lilian Zaple, born 1885.
The baby is just a picture of a baby.
The ship is HMS Hood which both Harry Samuel Zaple and Frederick William Zaple served on in the 1920s.
The church tower is at Stoke Fleming, where my Grandmother, Elsie May Martin lived before marrying my Grandfather and moving to Torquay.
The two brass rubbings date from the 14th century and can be found in the church.
The couple seated are Frederick & Jane Zaple.
The plough represents the rural roots of many of my farm labouring forebears.
The image of the soldiers represents the army service undertaken by, amongst others, my Father & my Grandfather Percy Reginald Zaple who fought at and survived Gallipoli.
